Natasha Nice and her father's situation was a remarkable achievement for me. Mr. Nice had concerns regarding his daughter associating with black individuals and was strongly against her engaging in romantic relationships with them.
Traditional counseling methods could have taken a long time to show results, so we decided on a more direct approach – Natasha engaging in sexual activities with black partners while her father observed. Unconventional as it may seem, the satisfaction evident on Natasha's face during interracial intercourse indicated that it was the right decision. Mr.
Nice's pained expressions signaled an inevitable reconciliation with his daughter, which would only happen after he witnessed her engaging in sexual acts with black men. The climax of the experience was when a significant amount of semen covered Natasha's face, leading to a profound emotional response from her father. While their relationship did not immediately improve, Natasha later expressed her gratitude to me through a letter for the assistance provided.